I s o l a d E l b a , l u o g o d i v i n o

The pearl of the Mediterranean

L ' I s o l a d ' E l b a

The Island of Elba, the largest of the Tuscan Archipelago, a green pearl in the blue of the Tyrrhenian Sea.
Stone Island and Iron Island.
But also “insula vini ferax”, with the ancient stone millstones that still tell the story of man and the vine at the time of the Etruscans and Romans.
Napoleon said “… the inhabitants of Elba are strong and healthy because the wine of their land gives strength and health”.

Wine has always been at home on Elba; it is one of the typical products, let’s say.
Maybe more.
Symbol and culture.
Taste and aroma.
Color and light.
The Etruscans, the Roman Villas, the Medici.
Wine can be considered one of the glues between all the cultures and civilizations that have crossed its history in chronological order.

Without wine, Elba would be different.
Less colorful…


Today the vineyards still characterize the landscape of the island, but they remain mainly cultivated on the gentler slopes and in the flat areas.

Viticulture has been oriented towards quality wines, and the “Elba” d.o.c. has enhanced wines from the most traditional grape varieties such as Aleatico, Ansonica, Sangiovese and Moscato.


V i t i c o l t u r a a l l E l b a

For centuries, the people of the island of Elba have always combined mining – the extraction of iron and granite – with agricultural crops, in particular viticulture.

Until the first half of the 1900s, the cultivation of vines and the mining industry had been the main resources of the island.
Later, the advent of the economy linked to tourism oriented the population towards new activities.
The abandonment of the mines coincided significantly with a sharp decrease in vineyards.

"On the Island of Elba, the sky and the sea steal each other's colors. And the green hills look at so much beauty."

– Fabrizio Caramagna


L o c a l i t à A c q u a b o n a


The Acquabona Farm dates back to the early decades of the 1700s.
The toponym derives from the presence of a source of fresh water, a precious asset for the islanders.
The farm is located halfway between Portoferraio and Porto Azzurro, and gently lies from the eastern slope of Monte Orello towards the Gulf of Portoferraio.


I N o s t r i V i t i g n i

Between red clay soil and the blue of the sea in the background, at Acquabona we cultivate typical vines of the island such as Ansonica, Trebbiano and Aleatico alongside the Tuscan classic par excellence, Sangiovese, to get to international varieties such as Syrah and Merlot. 

With planting layouts ranging from the oldest 3m to the most modern 2.2m and an average density of 5000 plants per hectare, ideal for containing vigor, Acquabona has always stood out for the use of the best agricultural practices in terms of vineyard management. 

There are essentially two forms of training: the spurred cordon, used mainly for red grape varieties and the bow (guyot) for white grape varieties. 

In recent years, we have been committed to the progressive abandonment of broad-spectrum herbicides and insecticides (ladybugs and other useful insects witnesses!) to meet the needs of a more sustainable agriculture.

As in a large family, we take care of each individual plant by passing over and over again in a cycle that embraces the entire year, from the moment the shoots hatch in early spring to dry pruning in winter.


Discover the experience

Book a visit to our vineyards and immerse yourself in the winemaking tradition of the island of Elba. Stroll through the vineyards, discover the secrets of our native vines and taste our best wines, the result of a passion that comes from the heart of this land. Perfect for a special day, anniversary or event to share with friends and family.